From The Great American Fraud, By Samuel Hopkins Adams, 1905-07
So complete and satisfactorily does Powell
fulfill every tradition of the quack industry that I
shall catalogue him under specific headings, as an
instructive type.
(A) Claims. "Deafness Cured at Last. Wonderful
New Discovery for the Positive Cure of Deafness and
Head Noises. At last, after years of study and
research, the wonderful Nature Forces have been
harnessed together and Deafness can be cured. If I
did not know positively that my method could cure I
would not allow my name to be connected with this
treatment. . . . Write to-day to the discoverer, Guy
Clifford Powell."
(B) Catchword. Electro-Vibration.
"Electro-Vibration, which is my method of treatment,
is heralded by the greatest scientists of this
country as the most scientific and certain treatment
of the age."
(C) Religious Sponsor. Rev. Father Sydney G.
Jeffords, rector of St. Stephen's Church, Peoria,
Illinois, who writes a to-whom-it-may-concern
letter, in which he says: "I consider Dr. Powell one
of the most careful and exhaustive investigators in
his special line to be found anywhere."
(D) Editorial Sponsor. The National Journal of
Health (a congener of the fake New York Health
Journal and of the American Journal of Health),
which editorializes as follows: "Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell has perfected a system of treatment that
actually cures, as we know from its results. It is
known us the Electro-Vibratory apparatus for the
cure of deafness and head noises," etc.
(E) Depreciating Scale of Prices. From $100 by
swift degrees to $15.
(F) Typical Correspondence. The diagnosis of the
case indicated, beyond possibility of doubt,
hopeless deafness from destruction of the apparatus
of hearing by an explosion.
- Letter I Addressed "Dear Friend," assures the
patient of complete and permanent cure "at your
- Letter II Admits that the case is difficult, but
refers the sufferer to the cured case of a Mr.
Kelly, almost exactly similar, whose address Dr.
Powell has unfortunately lost. Price of treatment
$100! reduced to $30 because of "special
interest" in the case.
- Letter III Warning that the $30 price lasts only
fifteen days.
- Letter IV Expressing surprise that "Dear Friend"
has failed to avail himself of the unparalleled
opportunity. Dr. Powell "firmly believes" that if
the patient had ordered at once he .would "at the
present moment be well on the road to recovery."
Terms now $5 down and $25 after trial. "I could
not make an offer more fair to my brother," he
pathetically avers.
- Letter V Price drops to $25. "Should you place
your case with me I will cure you." The doubts
expressed in No. II have fled before the fear of
losing the catch.
- Letter VI "It has been and is now a matter of no
small wonderment to me why you so persistently
neglect so important a matter as the treatment
and cure of your affliction. I have cured many
cases similar to yours. My professional honor is
at stake, and I am not going to make a false or
misleading statement to secure you as a patient."
Terms $25 cash, or $15 cash and two monthly
payments of $7.50 each.
- Letter VII and last "Fortune is now knocking at
your door," and Dr. Powell makes a "special and
confidential price of $15," to secure "a cured
patient in your neighborhood right away," and for
this, gives me "the most positive assurance of a
rapid and complete cure."
This is the Complete Letter-Writer of quackery.
Of the seven epistles six are form-letters, sent
exactly alike to every patient, and abounding in
general promises, equally and fallaciously
inapplicable to every cases. Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell's "Electro-Vibratory Cure for Deafness" isn't
worth $100, or $30, or $25, or 25 cents, except as
its patent right, owned by the "discoverer," is an
asset in his swindling operations.